Sunday, May 15, 2011

What a Birthday...

Well, what can I say?  I turned 25 on Friday and it has been the best birthday ever! Went bowling with a couple of friends on Thursday, went to the Padre on Friday, band practice and a party last night, and a huge BBQ today at my parents house.  I got everything I wanted, including an awesome watch from my wife.  It is the Casio PAW1500-1V.  It does everything.  It has an altimeter, barometer, thermometer, atomic clock, sunrise/sunset/ and so much more.  It will definitely be reviewed in the next few weeks when I try it out Memorial Day weekend.

It has been a busy week and I haven't updated in a while.  I'm finishing up my Master's degree and this was one of those weeks where everything happened at once.  So, here's to more updates in the future...

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Something Positive...

Well I don't want to seem like a pessimist and I realize that if I'm not careful, this can be a very negative blog.  So, I built a pretty gnarly miniature catapult today.  It was a competition in my engineering class and it is introducing the next major project where we will build a counterweight catapult that hopefully will launch a watermelon a great distance.  We will see.

I am also preparing for a backpacking trip my wife and I are going on during Memorial day weekend.  We will be going with a few friends that have never backpacked before, so I'll get to show off my amazing skills. My wife and I also have a 5-day backpacking trip in Yosemite that I am starting to get excited about.  This will be my wife's first major backpacking trip where real mileage will be covered.  I am hoping to cover at least 30 miles that trip and explore the amazing Yosemite. Maybe by then I will have more followers and can have someone to share the details and photos with.  No matter what, they'll still be on here, so here's to being positive and looking forward.

It's gone to the birds...

There is a very large Cliff Swallow location at my school site.  They migrate there every year and this year they tried to get a permit and were denied.  The denial letter actually had a swallow made out of computer symbols typed on it by the lady that denied them...Sweet! The swallows are protected by the Migratory Bird Act of 1918.  The nests can't be removed once completed. They were finished yesterday, but today they were knocked down. Needless to say, I was furious and went to speak with the man in charge and realized it is impossible to reason with a child.  After every fact or policy I reminded him, he would say, "And?", "And?", "And?" and how do you reason with a person like that.  The man in charge isn't even capable of reasoning with another adult and I am suppose to expect him to care for this Cliff Swallow population?  My fault for being so naive, I guess.

Monday, April 25, 2011


This blog is for those that care about the environment, but still have to work that 9-5 job to pay for trips to the wilderness.  Welcome and enjoy!